Malam ni emosi aku tganggu....bkn tganggu sbb tension ke hape, tp emosi aku terusik....mengalir air mata aku...mgkin itu tndanya hati aku 'belum mati'...sbb tu la aku teghoyok...huhu...ape y aku nk share dgn korg ni, sesuatu y sgt mbuka minda aku...mmg kelemahan sesetengah drpd kite (minority, hopefully!), xsuke mbaca surat khabar ataupn menonton berita....xsuka ambik tau ape y blaku dlm masy skeliling....pdhl ini masy kite...ape y blaku di sekeliling kite, sptutny kita ambil tahu...spy bl ade sesuatu musibah/ kesusahan blaku pd jiran2 kite, kite dpt mbantu ataupun zahirkn rs simpati pd mereka....
mlm ni tetiba aku teringat sesuatu...klu la kite xmampu jentik kesedaran melalui pbacaan formal mcm surat khabar td, mgkin ada cara lain,kn...dlm simpanan aku, ada komik (comic strips) ttg gempa bumi y pernah blaku di China pd tahun 2008...xbyk y aku nk cite ttg komik ni...korg bc sndiri...samada korg nk kata "bkn betul ni...", "komik je...", atau ape2 skalipn, itu aku mls nk pk....aku cume nk share komik ni dgn korg, sbb 2 bnda...
:: 1st ::
komik ni lahir di ats kesedaran pelukis tu dan aku pcaya, komik ni lahir bkn dgn sia2...
:: 2nd ::
ade sesuatu y boleh kite blaja drpd komik ni...esp mengenali hati kita y smakin lama 'semakin mati'...aku bc komik ni dan aku rs segan...ini cume komik, y kite slalu kata "xde manfaat", tp ia sbnany lebih drpd hanya sebuah komik..mlh aku rs jaooo0o0oo0oh bratus2 kali gnda lbih bgus dr metroSEX tu..heh! (tlg jgn saman aku....hehe..hehe) ia mmpu buat aku tpikir ttg byk pkara...buat aku tpikir, dlm hidup y singkat ni, byk benda y kita abaikn, byk bnde y kite xbsyukur, dan BANYAK BENDA SBNANYA Y KITA MMPU UBAH.....kite masih ada ms, utk ubah sesuatu y kite belum ubah....hmmm...dlm mksudnya tu...sama2 la kite pk dan amik y +ve di sebalik komik ni...
sedikit luahan pelukis komik ni, Coco Wang y aku nk share dgn korg..
"As you know the breaking news of 5.12 Earthquake in China, almost all the TV channels in China are broadcasting 24 hours non-stop of every development and stories of all the rescue operations in all damaged locations"
"I have been collecting newspapers of all the stories, and telling them in the form of comic strips. I hope these stories could show the UK readers the love, warmth and courage of the Chinese people, also the sad and cruel reality of the horrible 5.12 Earthquake"
"I can't just sit at home and do nothing, I have been crying my eyes out in the past three days, I have never felt more proud of my country and people... their love, courage and kindness rock me to my core! I have decided to tell these touching stories by drawing comics"
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: China 5.12 earthquake strips :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
The Boy Who Lived
The Song Of Miracle
Just One More!!!
Take My Wings
I Must Be Strong
My Father Is A Hero
Coke Boy
The Last Lesson
Be With You
sori, aku xtau sejauh mana komik ni was created based pd kisah y benar2 blaku pd ms tu...aku just share ape y aku dpt jmpe stakat ni...
Mengalir x air mata??huhu...xpe..itu tndanya hati kite "belum mati",kn...k la...kite tutup 1001 kisah ni dgn sedikit jgn pl senyuman y sedikit ni menutup hati y mula "sedar sesuatu" tu,k...
A Trip To Russia
May 25, 2011 at 8:50 AM
mane jumpe komik ni...terharu jgk baca..